Tutorials › How to create a GSuite group email address from the Admin console

How to create a GSuite group email address from the Admin console

Updated 5 years ago


Steps for creating a group email address that multiple people can access. These are called Collaborative Inboxes in GSuite.

The instructions below are for creating a group with restricted access from the GSuite Admin console.


I. Set up the group

  1. Go to https://admin.google.com/
  2. Click Groups
  3. Click Create group
  4. Enter a group name, e.g. “Hello”
  5. Enter a group email, e.g. “[email protected]
  6. Specify the group owner/s
  7. Click Next
  8. Select Restricted as the Access type
  9. Uncheck External in the Contact owners row
  10. Check Entire Organization and External in the Publish posts row
  11. Select Only invited users for the Who can join the group setting
  12. Click Create group
  13. Click Done

II. Turn the group into a group inbox (a Collaborative Inbox)

  1. Go to https://groups.google.com/
  2. Click the Settings gear in the top right-hand corner
  3. Click Return to classic Google Groups
  4. Click OK
  5. Click Manage group under the name of the group you’ve just created
  6. Click Advanced under Information
  7. Select Collaborative inbox under the Select a group type dropdown
  8. Click Reset this group
  9. Click Reset group
  10. Click Visit new groups in the top left-hand corner

III. Test the new group

  1. Send an email to the group email address
  2. Wait for it to arrive
  3. In your business inbox, check that the To address of the received test email is the group email address
  4. Optionally, also check that the email appeared in the Groups user interface (there may be a delay between it appearing there and in your inbox)