Tutorials › How to recover my password

How to recover my password

Updated 4 years ago


Steps for recovering your WordPress password.


Replace example.com with your website URL.

Method 1 – Using the Recover Password feature

This method requires that you know your username or email address and that your website is successfully sending emails. If either of these is not the case, skip to the other methods.

  1. Go to example.com/login
  2. Click Lost your password?
  3. Enter your username or email address
  4. Click Get New Password

Method 2 – Reset your password from the database

This method assumes you have phpMyAdmin installed and are familiar with using it.

  1. Login to phpMyAdmin
  2. Click on your WordPress database
  3. Click wp_users table
  4. Click Edit next to the row with your username
  5. Replace the user_pass value with your new password
  6. Select MD5 as the Function
  7. Click Go

Method 3 – Reset your password using the WP CLI

This method assumes you have WP CLI installed and are familiar with using it.

  1. Access your website via SSH
  2. Access your WordPress directory
  3. Type wp user list
  4. Remember your user ID (in this example we assume it’s 1)
  5. Type wp user update 1 --user_pass=SetThisToYourNewPassword812